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SpiritBeamFire It's Hunting Season!

The Fallen King will arrive at Halloween Events.

The Fallen King
Fallen King
Type Mission Boss
Level Health Aggro Dis.
135 - 140 x135 2,000 studs
Model Name BOSSFallenKing
Archetype Giant

The Fallen King is the main and the only boss of The Fallen Throne Dungeon.


This boss appears as a giant skeleton that has short and stubby legs, long reaching arms, a ripped red cape and a golden/red crown with green gemstones around the top. He also has sharp yellow teeth and red eyes that follows your camera view, which is considered an illusion. Once it reaches phase 2, he wields a bone-themed greatsword comparable to the bosses' size.


Note: Red Texts means that this is a high-risk ability, as it might severely damage or insta-kill the unexperienced players very easily and it needs to be highly aware of.

Both Stages:[]

Ability Description Damage Cooldown
Hovering Skulls Spawns 4 flaming skulls for each player that orbit the Fallen King for 4 seconds each before moving towards the target, one after another, each dealing x2 damage.

In Challenge Mode, skulls spawn more frequently when a player is at least 30 studs away and disappear upon entering back into the range.
x8 * server player count 60 seconds
Portals of Doom Throughout the battle, Ghoul Knights and Spirit Horses will constantly spawn through the portal to assist the Fallen King. N/A ? seconds
Death Bomb (High-risk) Pulls out a clock from the ground, and 1 Fallen Guard per player will spawn (one of which will drop a cure upon being defeated), alongside either a Ghoul Knight or Spirit Horse, the clock explodes after 25 seconds, killing all players without a cure from the glowing Fallen Guard.

This attack is unlocked when Fallen King reaches 75% HP.
Instant Death 120 seconds

1st Stage:[]

Ability Description Damage Cooldown
Stomp Fallen King stomps at the players in front of it. x3 20 seconds
Arm Sweep Attempts to swipe players with its hand. The hand itself can damage players and creates 3 small circles around the direction the boss swung. x12 10 seconds
King Blast (High-risk) The Fallen King creates a giant orb that is visually similar to the Dire Boarwolf's Dire Blast. This attack has a huge radius reaching as far as the edge of the arena and any players caught within this attack will be insta-killed if they don't have enough damage resistance buff. After this attack, 4 fear missiles per player will launch onto the battlefield. x18 (Explosion)
x16 * server player count + 5s Fear (Missiles)
30 seconds

2nd Stage:[]

Fallen King will enter it's 2nd Stage after reaching 50% Health, receiving its bone-themed greatsword and the arena converts into Flaming Courtyard, and gains a new moveset. While transitioning from the 1st to 2nd stage, the Fallen King will be invulnerable for 5.5 seconds.

Ability Description Damage Cooldown
Aether Roots Charges up an explosion, and then spawns 15 flaming roots, each dealing x2 damage every second on contact in a medium radius. x5 (AoE)
x2 per hit (Roots)
30 seconds
Cursed Rift The Fallen King will plunge its sword into the ground, creates three explosions that expands similar to Darkrise. x? ? seconds
Sweep The Fallen King swings its sword, indicated by 7 linked triangles in a wide arc, each dealing x3 damage. This attack covers 3/4s of the circle in center of the boss and can be leapt over with the right timing. x21 10 seconds
Strike Frenzy (High-risk) Strikes back and forth 3 times in a large radius on each impact before sweeping through 7 adjacent triangles twice, then finally strikes once more, dealing x3.6 damage on every hit. x61.2 25 seconds


Due to having a set number of attack power and health, Fallen King's attack can cause huge chaos even for late-game players, most of its attacks can kill a player in 3-4 hits, or 1-2 hits in Challenge mode. So paying full attention is essential.

  • When King Blast is activated, get away from Fallen King as far as you can.
    • If Fallen King is close to a side of the map, run to the other side quickly when Orb is charging.
    • Note that sometimes the indicator circle may not appear if the first triggered ability is King Blast, causing players' deaths by accident. Watch the animation of Fallen King to tell whether its making orb or other abilities.
    • Paladin/MoL/Warlord with perfect-timing on their abilities and Greater Summon can also survive the explosion.
    • The landing zone of fear missiles depends on your moving direction, using this as your advantage when dodging.
  • Watch out for Ghoul Knights and Spirit Horses, as they might interrupt your ability in many ways.
  • Try to use dash ability to get away from danger zone faster.
  • Far-Ranged classes is highly recommended if you have. As most of the Fallen King's attacks are close-ranged. And you can lure him easily with positive shift aggro perk. And it makes soloing much easier.
    • As being said, due to its close range, melee classes may suffer great risk of dying, especially in second stage. So it's recommended to bring a healing pet such as a Squid or team up with support class players to prevent this.
    • If you're using Summoner, predict it's movement as most of The Fallen King's abilities are close-ranged and they're extremely lethal against summons. So micro-managing the summons and rift explosion is necessary in order to maximize the dps output.
  • To dodge the skull bombs, move in a circle like how the player should do with Hades and Zeus.
  • Unlike Taurha, due to the attack multiplier and limited space, Fallen King's Strike Frenzy ability during second phase is quite deadly if not paying attention. It's highly recommended to stay away as far as you can when this ability is active.
  • Do not use your high-dps ability during Death Bomb, as Fallen King will become invulnerable until all players are cured or the clock explodes. Unless you're in trouble dealing with Fallen Guards and other mobs.
  • It's highly unrecommended to use armors with Glass Perk in challenge difficulty, as almost all of the attacks can one-shot the player without any assistance. Unless you're good at dodging all of its attacks or having shield-related abilities.
  • If the player is unable to find the cure or has to speed up the run, they can instead use the "Cure" or "Cure Pro" ability to remove the "Cursed" status.


  • This Boss has a few similarities to other bosses:
    • The walking animations at first stage is the same as Tree Ent Bosses. Once defeated, it will also make a roaring sound similar to them.
    • Taurha's animation reused its second stage. Including Strike Frenzy ability.
  • There is a glitch in old version after when the Fallen King pushes the grandfather clock down. After doing an attack, it will still remain in the sitting position.
  • Back in 2021, Fallen King functions a bit differently:
    • During the Death Bomb ability, whether all players are cured or not, they had to wait for 25 seconds before Fallen King becomes vulnerable. In 2022, It will immediately become vulnerable after all players are cured, saving more time.
    • Fallen King's level were scaled by players average level (which was calculated using this: X player 1's level + X player 2's level + X player 3's level + ... , with the total amount of level divided by the amount of player that is alive, if the divided number isn't a full number, for example: 56.5, then the game will determine the boss level based on the .xx part, if the .xx part is less or equal to .25, the .25 level is removed and the boss is kept at the X level, if the .xx part is more or equal to .75, the boss will be buffed into X level + 1, it's currently unknown what would happen if .xx part is equal to .5) . Team up with a maxed level player and a low level player can make the fight much easier (Although if one of the player dies, the Fallen King's level instantly changes and so does his stats)
  • He, Cerberus and Davy are the only three bosses being able to switch battlefields.
  • This is the first boss to have 2 soundtracks, with Zeus, Lord of the Sky, Vane, Aether Dragon and Korrupted Klaus being the next ones to receive this.
  • He and Korrupted Klaus are currently the only two event bosses that appear in every Halloween/Holiday Events.
  • Despite being a level 135 boss, it still drops an orange Empowering Stone when defeated. This is to prevent lower levels from getting the purple Empowering Stone way too early.
  • In challenge difficulty, Fallen King's attacks will turn red.
    • This is the first enemy in game to have visual changes depending on difficulty.
  • Fallen King is the third boss to have a pet counterpart, after Dire Boarwolf and Vane, Aether Dragon.
  • For the 2024 Halloween event, there is a chance that the Fallen King will drop the King's Greatsword weapon cosmetic in Challenge mode.
  • The hands of the grandfather clock during Death Bomb ability will spin counter-clockwise, and explodes when both hands reaches 12 o' clock.

