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Armor is a type of equipment used to increase the player's maximum health and can be obtained from dungeons, world events, Equipment Chests, and Armor Chests. Armor is automatically hidden when a costume is equipped. Worn armor cannot be unequipped without replacing it with another set of armor in the player's inventory.

All armor except Zero Armor can be dyed with armor dyes by interacting with the dye bottle in the inventory.

Armor categorized by world[]

World 1[]

Icon Name Tier On Avatar Dye Preview Notes
AdventurersArmor icon Adventurer's Armor 1 AdventurersArmor dyed Looks like the Hylian Tunic dyed blue from Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild.
TravelersCoat icon Traveler's Coat 2 TravelersCoat dyed It bears resemblance to the Vigilante's Armor from Swordburst 2
GuardPlatemail icon Guard Platemail 3 GuardPlatemail avatar N/A Dyes have no visual effect
LightLeatherArmor icon Light Leather Armor 4 LightLeatherArmor dyed
WildHuntArmor icon Wild Hunt Armor 4 WildHuntArmor dyed
WitchHunterArmor icon Witch Hunter Armor 5 WitchHunterArmor avatar WitchHunterArmor dyed

World 2[]

Icon Name Tier On Avatar Dye Preview Notes
IronArmor icon Iron Armor 1 IronArmor avatar IronArmor dyed
AgileKnightArmor icon Agile Knight Armor 2 AgileKnightArmor dyed
ShadowFieldCloak icon Shadow Field Cloak 3 ShadowFieldCloak dyed
BlackFlameCloak icon Black Flame Cloak 4 BlackFlameCloak dyed
CloakOfEmbers icon Cloak of Embers 5 CloakOfEmbers avatar CloakofEmbers dyed shares the same model as the Cloak of Sand and Cobalt Armor.

World 3[]

Icon Name Tier On Avatar Dye Preview
WinterHunter icon Winter Hunter 1 WinterHunter dyed
MercenaryArmor icon Mercenary Armor 2 MercenaryArmor dyed
MidnightKnight icon Midnight Knight 3 MidnightKnight dyed
HolyArmor icon Holy Armor 4 HolyArmor avatar HolyArmor dyed

World 4[]

Icon Name Tier On Avatar Dye Preview Notes
NecromancerCloak icon Necromancer Cloak 1 NecromancerCloak dyed This armor shares its name with a similar-colored armor piece from Swordburst 2
DesertWanderer icon Desert Wanderer 2 DesertWanderer dyed
CloakofSand icon Cloak of Sand 3 CloakofSand dyed Has the same model as Cloak of Embers and cobalt armour
SalamanderPlate icon Salamander Plate 4 SalamanderPlate avatar SalamanderPlate dyed The Salamander Plate has missing polygons underneath its shoulder and hip guards.
PhoenixPlate icon Phoenix Plate 5 PhoenixPlate avatar PhoenixPlate dyed

World 5[]

Icon Name Tier On Avatar Dye Preview Notes
WayoftheWind icon Way of the Wind 1 WayoftheWind dyed
GreatHunt icon Great Hunt 2 GreatHunt dyed
PaladinArmor icon Paladin Armor 3 PaladinArmor dyed
RogueSlayer icon Rogue Slayer 4 RogueSlayer dyed
Dragonkin icon Dragonkin 5 Dragonkin avatar Dragonkin dyed The back of the armor contains a stylized "力" character that can be translated to "power" or "strength" in both Chinese and Japanese.

Dragonkin is the only armor with weapons as a part of its model, although they are purely cosmetic.

World 6[]

Icon Name Tier On Avatar Dye Preview Notes
DeepSeaKnight icon Deep Sea Knight 3 DeepSeaKnight dyed
AquaFlameMaster icon Aqua Flame Master 4 AquaFlameMaster dyed
NightTerror icon Night Terror 5 NightTerror avatar NightTerror dyed
BlademasterRobe icon Blademaster Robe 5 BlademasterOutfit avatar BlademasterRobe dyed Unobtainable

World 7[]

Icon Name Tier On Avatar Dye Preview Notes
MezuvianArmor icon Mezuvian Armor 3 MezuvianArmor avatar MezuvianArmor dyed Equipping an accessory that removes the player's head such as the Headless Head removes both the neck and torso
FlameDemonArmor icon Flame Demon Armor 4 FlameDemonArmor dyed
AngelArmor1 Angel Armor 5 AngelArmor avatar AngelArmor dyed The Angel Armor has no neck that connects to the player's head, similarly to the Reliquary Armor.

The Angel Armor is the only armor with glowing or transparent parts.

World 8[]

Icon Name Tier On Avatar Dye Preview
SapphireArmor icon Sapphire Armor 3 SapphireArmor dyed
EmeraldArmor icon Emerald Armor 4 EmeraldArmor dyed
ReliquaryArmor icon Reliquary Armor 5 ReliquaryArmor avatar ReliquaryArmor dyed

World 9[]

Icon Name Tier On Avatar Dye Preview
CobaltArmor icon Cobalt Armor 3 CobaltArmor dyed
MidnightArmor icon Midnight Armor 4 MidnightArmor dyed
AetherArmor icon Aether Armor 5 AetherArmor avatar AetherArmor dyed

World 10[]

Icon Name Tier On Avatar Dye Preview
Quartz Armor 3
Fluorite Armor 4
Gemstone Gaurdian 5

Zero Gear[]

Icon Name Tier On Avatar Dye Preview Notes
Zero Armor icon Zero Armor 6 N/A Obtained from the Zero Altar

Cannot be dyed

Extra information[]

